Friends of the Library
This is a group of volunteers, started in November of 1995, that meet once a month with the librarian to discuss ways to help the library. We support the Summer Reading Program, visiting speakers, museum pass program, seed bank, Halloween activities and many other activities. To raise funds, we run fun Fundraisers such as an annual book sale, raffles, bake sales, ice cream social, etc. We welcome donations as a 501C3 non-profit group. Also, new volunteer members and ideas are greatly appreciated. To become a member just come to one of our monthly meetings and, for a nominal fee, you can become an official member. Everyone is welcome.
Friends of the Library meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month at 5 PM unless otherwise posted.
Our Mission
To encourage public use of and advocate for library resources and services; To assist in fundraising efforts that provide the public with an enhanced library collection and improved services; To support the Freedom to Read statement of the American Library Association; To provide volunteer services requested by the library for special events and projects.